Command & Conquer 2: Tiberian Sun
Publisher: Westwood
Developer: Westwood
Price: $59.99
Release: Early 1999
Web Site:
Players: 1-8
Processor: P 166
Memory: 32 MB
Space: 100 MB-200 MB
Graphics: 2 MB Card
Sound: SB or 100% comp
Controls: Keys & Mouse
Multiplayer: Yes, 1-4 over Internet gaming service, LAN, TCP/IP
Multiplayer Requirements: 28.8 Kbps modem
Online Component: None
You have probably heard of Dune II and Command & Conquer (If you haven't you must have been hiding under a rock). These games sparked a new genre, the real-time strategy one. A lot of clones have been made, and a lot of sequels have been made (All successful).
The upcoming sequel to Command & Conquer, C&C2: TS promises to amaze us like all the other sequels. The terrain, fully 3-D is really cool, for example, if there are units under a bridge, and you blow the bridge, the bridge will crush the units under the bridge. The producers say that they will use voxels (pixels but with volume). They say this will help in the animation of the units. One neat addition is the nighttime missions. In nighttime missions you need to build lamps to see. Also another thing is there will be cites with power-ups err armories and hospitals instead of those silly crates (I'm not sure about that, maybe crates and cities).
The multiplayer side of the game is excellent and will be fun to use. Along with the standard LAN, TCP/IP options; it provides games on their server and on other gaming host sites. From what I saw, the game's multiplayer side is turning into something special.
The games units and gameplay is also as astonishing as it is it's multiplayer. One of the units that fascinated me was the Tunnel Transport…. Or at least that's what I think it is called. Anyway, that transporter tunnels under the ground and pops up in the enemy's base without anyone noticing it! Talk about the element of surprise!
Verdict: 100%