Sim City 3000
Publisher: EA
Developer: Maxis
Price: $49.99
Release: Early 1999
Web Site:
Players: 1
Processor: P 166
Memory: 32 MB
Space: 100 MB
Graphics: 2 MB Card
Sound: SB or 100% comp
Controls: Keys & Mouse
Multiplayer: None
Multiplayer Requirements: None
Online Component: Yes,
By the time Simcity 3000 arrives most of the simmers out there will lose the will to live.
Simcity 3000 has been delayed from spring 1998 to summer 1998 to fall 1998 to winter 1998
and finally to spring 1999! It has been a long year for sim fans, sitting in their chairs asking
questions on the Simcity 3000 BBS. I, a mild to crazed sim fan think that this game has won the
award for longest delayed game, even beating the truly outdated Diablo 2.
Simcity 3000 pits you against the most powerful enemy possible.... the citizens of your city!
Simcity 3000 promises to deliver a whole new experience in sim gaming. 3D surround sound, detailed
cars, 360-degree turnable view plus 5 levels of zoom just to name a few. All 350 buildings (no, I didn't
accidentally add a zero in there) are fully 3D rendered, which means when you look at the back you will
see the back not the back to front picture of the front. The graphics are rich and fluent, with nearly
every building having it own little animation, which is random so it looks realistic.
There is no multiplayer support, and I don't see the need for it, this is the only game that
doesn't look good with multiplayer. Instead, the official site, will fully interact with
Simcity 3000, with contests, other people's cities, downloads and tips. In addition the Building
Architect Tool (B.A.T.) will provide players with unlimited buildings because they can make their
own with this tool and also upload them to I still think it is well worth the wait!
A cool fire screenshot shows off Sim City 3000's engine and Santa Andrea, created by Jeff Feil of Maxis which will ship with Sim City 3000. For more screenshots click here!
Verdict: 95%