Grim Fandango
Publisher: Lucasarts
Developer: Lucasarts
Price: $49.99
Release: Out now
Web Site:
Players: 1
Processor: P 133
Memory: 32 MB
Space: 30-80 MB
Graphics: 2 MB Card
Sound: SB or 100% comp
Controls: Keys, Joystick or Joypad
Multiplayer: None
Multiplayer None
Online Component: None
Have you ever felt that you want to be the character or that you have been in the game after you have played it? Well this game does just that. Set in the "Land of the Dead" you play Manuel Calavera (Manny Calavera). Manny is a DoD (Department of Death) agent, he's a travel agent who "reaps" people then gets them a travel package depending on how good they were when they were alive. The choices are foot (evil), bus (bad), car (so-so), boat (good) or the "Number 9" train (very good). Why does he do this? He works of his debt that way because he as pretty bad in his "alive" life. But he finds that his clients aren't eligible for anything even though they led perfect lives. He finds that out when Mercedes Colomar aka Meche leads a perfect life but still isn't eligible for a ticket on the "Number 9". He starts searching for answers.
This is the perfect game. A deadly blend of adventure, action, strategy and romance. This game will suck you into the world of Manny, with over 50 talkable characters and over 100 locations. In-game cut-scenes will add more realisam to the game. Another thing I liked is the flow of the game…. It just makes a tingle in your knees as you try to find out what happens next. Other cool things are the ability to drive certain vehicles and the how hard the puzzles are. (They can take from 15 minutes to 5 hours). One setback is the replayability. You play it once but it is the same next time you play it…. That makes the game scrap in less than a week or so. But it still is one heck of a game.
Oh yea, get Full Throttle for free* if you buy it before December 31st 1999.
*In US and Canada only, some charges may apply.
SOUND: 20/20
RELEASE: 20/20
The best game I have ever seen!
RATING: 100/100
AWARD: The B&W Must Buy Award