Black & White: The Art of Gaming has just gotten an exclusive news update. Suneel who works at Maxis told use in a chat some info on sc3000.
"The bridges will be Sydney Harbor Bridge for skinny rivers, Brooklyn Bridge for medium rivers or the Golden Gate Bridge for wide rivers plus the bridge types from Sim City 2000 will be there. Reports of signs on highways are confirmed and they are only for decoration, forest fires will also have the same stages as buildings and the emergency vehicles will take time to arrive (but only a little while). Landmarks will attract UFOs, also some landmarks will have a different effects on different zone types (ie. The Maxis landmark will have a NIMBY effect on residential but a YIMBY effect on commercial)."
All who don't know what YIMBY and/or NIMBY means here - YIMBY means "Yes In My Backyard" and it means the land value goes up, NIMBY means "No In My Backyard" and it lowers land value. For regular simfans Suneel will be gone tommorrow for a few days during the holidays. Whow! Lot's of info! Oh yea, all sim sites you may not use the whole thing, copy a little part of this then provide a link to the whole thing which is here. We will also be showing the daily Simcity 3000 screenshots, which we will put in the Sim City 3000 Preview Gallery! Enjoy!

A cool fire screenshot shows off Sim City 3000's engine and Santa Andrea, created by Jeff Feil of Maxis which will ship with Sim City 3000. For more screenshots click here!